Anaconda Python Upgrade To 36

Python 37 alpha version is out but i havent been able to find any post on how to update to python 37 using anaconda maybe they will wait for the official release. The default version of python installed is anaconda 27 or 36 depending on the version of anaconda ide we are usingeither you can use anaconda 3 to use the latest version of python or you can follow the below attached link to make the changes using anaconda prompt for upgrading the python version in already installed anaconda ide in.

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However when all of your scripts are written in a python 2x way.

Anaconda python upgrade to 36. The scipy stack and spyder support includes pathlib. The fallback versionpywinpty 05 py36hfa6e2cd0 has a requirement for python 36370a0 so it pulls down python to 367 and all the other packages with it. Considering best practise the way forwards is to move with the times and upgrade. You can also create and activate a new conda environment with python 37 and your favorite packages. Change python version on particular environment. Conda install python37 anacondacustom.

Details below for how i investigated and resolved it. Changing your python version with anaconda. Done package plan environment location. Every popular python package supports python 37. Stack trace sudo conda install python36 solving environment. Python 3 is the future and the future is now.

If you have a python 3 environment with anaconda installed you can now easily update it to python 37. How to downgrade python 37 to 36 in anaconda. In general conda update all breaks everything as their own faq says and in my instance it cheerfully offers to downgrade my python from 370 to 366 although it knows 371 is available smci nov 14 18 at 647. Most of my python programs require python 36. If you wanted to update you will type conda update python to update anaconda type conda update anaconda if you want to upgrade between major python version like 35 to 36 youll have to do conda install pythonpythonversion. To make the change over easier heres a cheat sheet for writing python 23 compatible code.

If you get anaconda package conflict errors upon upgrading python you might just move your existing anaconda directory to a backup location and reinstall anacondaminiconda from scratch. Anaconda has not updated python internally to 36. Not sure if there is an easy fix in conda itself to automatically resolve the dependency in the same way i did manually below. Conda install python 36.

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